Month: February 2024

My Emotianal Drawing

This week we read a book called the big balloon.It was all about animals emotions.When I was drawing mines it was hard to think about what animal to do so I did a Panda. The Panda was depressed because his Mother had died and It was raining.I hope to do this again sometime.


My Summer Holiday

After New years my Mum and I had to travel to Tonga because her Uncle had died.She was really sad. We packed our clothes and then got some lunch to eat. After that my brothers grabbed our bags and put them in our car.When we hopped inside the car it was hot and we had to turn down all the windows  which was very nice and cool. When we arrived at the airport we took out our bags and went to check them out but when we went in there the machine was not working so we went to a man who said that we had to wait 40 minutes. We said goodbye to my Dad and my brothers and then it was just me and my Mum. My Mum and I waited and waited and waited until it was time to go. This time we went to a lady which said yes you can go but then a Man came and said that we had to hurry up and so we put our bags in and the the man said go over to that lady over there and so we did and that’s when we started our long walk. 


We walked through the security. Then we had to do a long walk to out gate.A lady came in a little car to pick some of us up.There was no more space for me to sit in because of the  suitcases and so I had to walk. Man it felt like an hour walk, because my legs were hurting and I had to carry my bag as well but when we arrived at the gate it was just around boarding time. We gave our boarding passes to the flight attendant and she told us which way to go.I got to go on the window side and I was  watching Encanto.When we arrived in Tonga it was raining and we had to go down these steep steps.It was so slippery so a man came and he took me and my mums suitcases and give it back to us when we have gotten down.


We went down and then we went inside the airport where I had to wait a little bit because  my mum had to buy some smokes for my uncle.Then we went to go grab our bags from the checkout and then we gave our arrival cards and went straight outside. I could see my uncle Vite and I ran  to hug him and I also hugged my cousin Lio. We went to the car and I sat down but once the car moved I heard a shuffle down on the floor and what I saw freaked me out.It was a puppy and I got scared because it was huge.So my other cousin that was in the front picked the dog up and put him in the front.Two days past and then  I got sick it was so bad but at least I got to swim.On the last day we went to the wharf and we sat there drinking hot chocolate. I can not wait to go on another fantastic trip to Tonga.