Category: Ako | Learn


Today I was doing the summer learning journey and I chose Arts as my topic.They asked us to do a tangram and I think that the human tangram was really fun because you had heaps of time to move the shapes into the right place but the other ones were just easy. The human was a challenging one.Here is a screenshot on the human Tangram. Hope you like it.


Today I was doing the Summer learning journey and the topic I chose was Arts.They said that we need to make our own pac man but pac man is dressed as wally in find wally.It took me 25 minutes to accomplish it.Here it is if you want to see. it.

Hero Versus Villan

Today we were making a comic strip on a google draw.We had to use two characters and make it into a comic strip.I used Imagine AI to help me.I had so much fun.Here is a link that you can tap on so that you can see it.I also added a link so that you play the link then you go back to the drawing and listen to the music.


Today we were learning how to be observant when we see different media.We watched a video about a house hippo and then we thought about what we already know about hippo’s.After that we went to our Chromebooks and we went figure out if the image was fake or real.This was one of the very hard images I could not figure out.

Our Trip To Stone Cottage

Yesterday our class went on a trip to the Stone Cottage. The stone cottage was right across the road from our school. When we arrived at the stone cottage it looked so amazing even though I’ve walked around it many times. Three people were there, and they were Terry, Patrick and Josephine. When we met them they told us all about the old day and the dusty roads they had. They also showed us the old St Patrick’s church.

When we went in the first room we met Josephine and she was one of the oldest ladies I had ever seen, sitting on a chair. We saw a few things that we have never seen before. We saw a basket of yarn and some wool. Terry said that is what they used to knit sweaters with.

When we went to the next room we saw a lot of new clothes.One of them was called a Pantaloons and they were the women’s underpants.Another thing in that room was the potty.It was for them to go toilet in because in the olden days they had no toilets. They had hot water bottles and they used them for putting under the bed to keep their feet warm. They also had a bowl with a brush in it so the men could shave their faces.

Next we went to the kitchen which had a lot of old and dusty things. One of the coolest ones was the bellow, which was used to keep the fire alive. We also got to see one of the old sewing machines and because they didn’t have any electricity back then they used their feet on a pedal to make it work. One of the things the children used to play with was stilts. They put their feet on  the stilts and then they just walked around on them, as a game.

After that we climbed up these long and steep stairs and even some of us hit our heads. When we arrived at the first room upstairs it was the first time I’d ever seen a typewriter. We also saw the shoes the men used to wear. There was this huge map of New Zealand. After that we moved on to the last room which had a mannequin dressed in women’s clothes. We saw the pantaloons the women wore as their underwear and some other dresses they wore. There was a crib that the babies would have slept in and a few dolls in there too. I think I saw like about four dolls, two in a crib, one on a high chair and another one in another crib.

After that we came downstairs and went outside. We said thank you and left to go back to school. I cannot wait until the next time we get to visit another historic place.


On the 14th of July New Zealanders  celebrated a special day of Matariki. Last week when we came back to school, we  read and watched a video about the legend of Tawhirimatea and how he flung his eyes into the Milky Way. These eyes are the Matariki stars. We also made a comic strip of this story.

Another day, we made a Matariki star that we hung up on our wall.

This is how you make a Matariki star:

These are the things you need:

*Wool or string





First you take the cardboard and cut a perfect circle. Next on the cardboard you draw a clock except leave out the hands. Then you cut out the lines above the numbers and get ready to use your wool. Now you put one end of the wool and put it at the top which is number 12. Go from 12 to 6 twice with one colour  and then do 1 to 7 twice, 2 to 8 twice, 3 to 9 twice, 4 to 10 twice, 5 to 11 twice and then cut it at eleven. Then use another colour wool and then instead of starting at 12 you start at 1. From 1 you count 5 up from 2 you count 5 up from 3 you count 5 up from 4 you count 5 from 5 you count up 5 and on until twelve then cut it. Now you should have a Matariki star just like these and mine at the top  of this blog. It was fun.